Saturday, June 6, 2009

How to Save Years of Time and Thousands of Dollars Creating the Right Business

Do it Right the First Time Around!

Do you remember hearing that as a child? Didn’t that just IRK you? I
know it irked me! After all, if it were THAT easy, I WOULD have done it right
the first time around!

This is also the case when it comes to starting a business. Entrepreneurship
is alive and well, but many people spend years trying to find the right business
idea. Even the most successful Internet marketers – the so-called “gurus”
have experienced this. One of my mentors, who himself is now very successful
in his own right, spent 17 years “finding himself”; the last five
years of which he spent pursuing a field that wasn’t really right for
him. In fact, it never materialized!

Let’s put this into perspective: Let’s say a marketer spends about
$75,000 a year trying to build a business. This is not far-fetched; there are
many expenses associated with building and fine-tuning a business. Let’s
also say that this marketer really believes in himself/herself and sticks with
the business idea for 17 years. Multiply this figure by 17 (years). That equals

Let’s also assume that after those 17 years the “light bulb”
goes on and this marketer latches on to a business idea that really “takes
off”. Now s/he scraps the first idea. Although this new business is viable,
that $1, 275,000 is now lost to him/her. At this point the poor marketer starts
all over again – more time, more money. (Yikes!).

Ask yourself: “What could I have done with $1,275,000 – especially
in this economy? How many homes could I have bought or had built? How many trips could I have taken? I wouldn’t have to worry about paying for my children’s
college education, so they could have attended better schools.”

That is NOT a good place to be.

This illustration is not a stretch. This does happen. The amount of
time and money may be variable, but the principle is the same.

So, let me ask YOU:

If you had the chance to “do it right the first time”, what is
the ONE thing you would have in place that would save you time and money?

Knowing what you now know, you would have done things differently.

That is not to say that what you did was wrong. But in today’s world,
there is no time to take that same route.

As a successful business owner, you may be able to help someone who is embarking
on a new business venture to avoid similar mistakes.

I invite you to go to
and give your comments on the one thing you wish you had in place when you
started your business that would have saved you time and money.

Someone will thank you!