Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Strategic Alliance, An Affordable Product--And YOU Reap the Benefits

As many of you know, I have been a marketing consultant for several years. I started my first company back in the late '80's. I have hosted live seminars and workshops in New York City and surrounding areas on many topics, designed to help entrepreneurs and small business owners to be more effective with people and efficient with resources.

More recently, my focus has been on people who are thinking of starting a business. My experience has shown me that many people, while they may have an idea of what they want to do, when asked what their passion is, they don’t have a clue. For this reason, I started my most recent business venture: The PROACTIVE Entrepreneur. I believe that in running a successful business, one must have a “hands-on” approach, being able to make things happen, instead of waiting to see what happens. Not knowing your passion means that s will not be successful.

Then something interesting happened.

During my sessions with prospective entrepreneurs, I noted that personal development obstacles were preventing some from realizing their dream: living the life and having the business they desire and KNOW they can have. There had to be a solution to this problem; one that made sense, was doable, and did not cost a fortune.

The solution was Compass.

Compass is a new and unique way of coaching. It is based on the principles of Abundance Intelligence™ and the use of a MAP (Monthly Action Plan) to guide you through areas of personal development including, Life & Life Balance, Health & Wellness, Career & Money, and Relationships.

My partnering with Compass as a Certified Coach was a perfect fit! It enables me to provide that missing personal layer to my consulting business. The five areas listed above are crucial to the success of any business.

The result? An affordable product.

Coaching costs can be prohibitive. Everyone deserves a coach, but most people cannot afford to have one. Compass provides an excellent program which guides you through four specific areas:

  • See it - Identify your goals/purpose and the barriers that are preventing you from achieving them

  • Own it - Once you discover what you want, define what's true for you and do what you can do

  • Live it - How to apply this information to daily living

  • Be it - Finally learn to live the life of your dreams

This unique way of coaching does not exist anywhere else and is affordable; up to three sessions per month for about $2.00 a day.

There are great benefits to this program, including a business opportunity. For further information, please visit

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Everybody loves a holiday; Don’t you? It’s a time when most people are off from work and affords you the freedom to do what you want to do. Many people just "chill" out at home, enjoying cook-outs, etc. Other people SHOP! Holidays are great!

Here in the United States Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It’s an important day, one of five major holidays, the other four being: Presidents’ Day, Independence Day (July 4th), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

One of the great things that most folks look forward to is the SHOPPING! Department and other stores run great sales with deep discounts. The special thing about Labor Day though is: it’s the unofficial end of summer. People who have not barbecued all summer take advantage of THIS day to do so. People wait for Labor Day to go shopping for back-to-school items and other items they need. It’s a good thing…


If you don’t, or you are not visiting, you miss out on the goodies.

NOT ON MY WATCH! After all, this is the Internet for Pete’s sake!

Even if YOU don’t live here in the US, you can celebrate Labor Day and get 33% off, if you shop with me.

Here’s the “skinny” …

On Monday, September 7th US residents will be celebrating Labor Day. I am running a “sound sale” at SoundProFlo from today, September 3, 2009 until midnight Monday, September 7, 2009 the hourly rate for sound editing has been reduced by 33%.

If you are involved in speaking, coaching, event planning, or presentation in any way, and you have sound files that contain “um’s” “ah’s” and other “space fillers”, you can get rid of those extra sounds that have no place in public speaking. SoundProFlo offers you an editing service that does just that. In addition you can have “bumper music” added to the beginning and end of your file and you can also mix music in the background of your speech.

If on the other hand you have not yet recorded your file you can do so REMOTELY from the comfort of your home or office. I will edit your file and return it to you within 7 days. You can test drive the service at by recording a 2-minute file. I will edit your file and return your test recording within 24 hours.

Between now and Monday, September 7th you can have this service at a 33% discounted rate. For further details and to place your order, please visit .

Do it now! Don't miss this sale.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Growing up in the Islands I was fascinated when I first heard the phrase, "Try before you buy". Imagine being able to actually try something before you bought it. I’d never heard of that concept before. How would they accomplish that? Once you tried it – whatever “it” was, it was no longer whole. What if you didn’t like it? It could not be offered for resale; or could it?

Well, I don’t have to tell you, times have changed since then. But trying before you buy has not been without problems. For every person that comes up with a great idea, there are 10 who are scheming to “get over”. True, but I believe that good usually wins out. There have been some innovative ways to try before you buy without compromising the product.

In many places – supermarkets, food warehouses, deli’s, to name a few, it is not uncommon to see a display table with samples of delicious food. “Try this [commodity] … you can purchase it in Aisle 6”. (Yum!) Quite often the sale is made.

“That’s great for products,” you might conclude; “what about services?” Great question, especially when it refers to information products.

Today many infopreneurs offer a 100% money back guarantee. If their product does not work for you, you get your money back. I’ve even seen some offer the guarantee over the period of one year. Here’s the big question: Once the information is branded in the purchaser’s brain, how does the infopreneur extract it? If the purchaser is expected to follow a certain protocol in order for the service to work, how do you determine if the protocol has in fact been followed?

How do you try a service before you buy it?


Offer a mini version of the service, no “strings” attached. Give the buyer the opportunity to “sample” the service without a commitment – no pressure. In this way the potential buyer has the option to try the service and decide whether to go to “Aisle 6”, call you to place an order.

This is the premise at SoundProFlo. I have provided the capability there to try before you buy. In appreciation for your giving me your email address, I offer you the opportunity to record a 2-minute sound file REMOTELY, from the comfort of your home/office. If you want to, you can have me edit it and send it back to you. END OF STORY – well, kinda sorta.

If you then choose to retain my audio editing service, call me toll-free or send me an email. I will tell you how to proceed.

This is “try before you buy” at its best.

So, go to SoundProFlo, please complete the short form and record your 2-minute sound file.

Try Before You Buy!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Dear Small Business Owner:

I know – you want to come across as a pro.

I get it.

You have a business and you want it to be a success. You want to make a significant difference in people’s lives.

But there is a barrier in your way and you can’t seem to get past it.

You have tried several different solutions and nothing works.

I hear you.

Do you:

* Feel like a spinning wheel?

* Feel that you are not accomplishing anything, despite the fact that you are always busy?

* Constantly push unfinished tasks to the following day?

* Find you are unable to reach your goals?

* Feel your skills have been compromised or lacking?

* Feel like a “nail” instead of a “hammer”?

* Always “fall short”?

I used to feel that way too. Nothing worked, until I changed my way of thinking.


I can help you.

Starting this coming Wednesday, August 19th at 7:30 PM and continuing for the next 4 Wednesdays until September 9th, I will be conducting a workshop entitled:

How to Be a “Hammer” and Not a “Nail”.

During this workshop you will learn:

* The characteristics of a “hammer”

* The characteristics of a “nail”

* The key difference

* Why some business owners are successful and others are not

* Overcoming “overkill” … and much more.

If you find yourself working as hard as you can but not as smart as you could,
this workshop is for you.

If you are not happy with the way things are, CHANGE IT! You have the power!

Save 33% off the regular price by registering before midnight on Monday, August 17th. You will receive instant access details to participate
in the workshop.

Please invite colleagues, friends and other small business owners/entrepreneurs to attend as well. Register to attend now!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Are You a "Hammer" or a "Nail"

Normally, we do not associate people with tools unless the subject of the discussion is about a particular type of work or industry. For example, in the construction business it is not uncommon to see a hammer and different types of nails. The same is true of the cabinet making industry. A carpenter without a hammer … well, that would not be a good thing.

However, looking at these tools in a different light – as individual characteristics of people; this now conjures up a different train of thought.

When you think of a person as being a “hammer”, what comes to mind? A dominant personality perhaps? If so, how is the dominance perceived? Is it perceived in a positive or negative way? Is being a “hammer” something to which most people aspire? How about you?

Have you noticed that very few people, if any aspire to be a nail? Why do you think that is? Is being a nail such a bad thing? Some may see a nail as having positive attributes. Admittedly, throwing it up against a wall accomplishes nothing. It falls to the floor.

However, hammering it into a wall and it becomes more resilient with each stroke. Now you can hang things on it; even things that weigh a lot. Now the nail isn’t looking so bad. In fact, it’s looking pretty good!

When you look at tools from this perspective, you see a definite pattern between two types of people; some are hammers, others are not.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China? It matters if you are an entrepreneur with a goal of running a successful business.

You are cordially invited to a networking event where this will be the topic of discussion. The event will be interactive, so you will have the opportunity to express your thoughts. I am looking forward to hearing them.

Please join me on August 11th at 7:30 PM for the Big Apple Blitz – Showcasing the PROACTIVE Entrepreneur. This event is free but it’s on a first come, first served basis and I would not want you to miss out. Please secure your place by clicking on this link: Please free to invite friends and colleagues to this event as well. Knowing whether they are “hammers” or “nails” could prove very interesting! J

Do it now, while it’s on your mind. Find out if you are a “hammer” or a “nail”!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Growing up in the Islands I was fascinated when I first heard this phrase. Imagine being able to actually try something before you bought it. I’d never heard of that concept before. How would they accomplish that? Once you tried it – whatever “it” was, it was no longer whole. What if you didn’t like it? It could not be offered for resale; or could it?

Well, I don’t have to tell you, times have changed since then. But trying before you buy has not been without problems. For every person that comes up with a great idea, there are 10 who are scheming to “get over”. True, but I believe that good usually wins out. There have been some innovative ways to try before you buy without compromising the product.

In many places – supermarkets, food warehouses, deli’s, to name a few, it is not uncommon to see a display table with samples of delicious food. “Try this [commodity] … you can purchase it in Aisle 6”. (Yum!) Quite often the sale is made.

“That’s great for products,” you might conclude; “what about services?” Great question, especially when it refers to information products.

Today many infopreneurs offer a 100% money back guarantee. If their product does not work for you, you get your money back. I’ve even seen some offer the guarantee over the period of one year. Here’s the big question: Once the information is branded in the purchaser’s brain, how does the infopreneur extract it? If the purchaser is expected to follow a certain protocol in order for the service to work, how do you determine if the protocol has in fact been followed?

How do you try a service before you buy it?


Offer a mini version of the service, no “strings” attached. Give the buyer the opportunity to “sample” the service without a commitment – no pressure. In this way the potential buyer has the option to try the service and decide whether to go to “Aisle 6”, call you to place an order.

This is the premise at SoundProFlo. I have provided the capability there to try before you buy. In appreciation for your giving me your email address, I offer you the opportunity to record a 2-minute sound file REMOTELY, from the comfort of your home/office. If you want to, you can have me edit it and send it back to you. END OF STORY – well, kinda sorta.

If you then choose to retain my audio editing service, call me toll-free or send me an email. I will tell you how to proceed.

This is “try before you buy” at its best.

So, go to SoundProFlo, please complete the short form and record your 2-minute sound file.

Try Before You Buy!