Thursday, September 3, 2009


Everybody loves a holiday; Don’t you? It’s a time when most people are off from work and affords you the freedom to do what you want to do. Many people just "chill" out at home, enjoying cook-outs, etc. Other people SHOP! Holidays are great!

Here in the United States Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It’s an important day, one of five major holidays, the other four being: Presidents’ Day, Independence Day (July 4th), Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

One of the great things that most folks look forward to is the SHOPPING! Department and other stores run great sales with deep discounts. The special thing about Labor Day though is: it’s the unofficial end of summer. People who have not barbecued all summer take advantage of THIS day to do so. People wait for Labor Day to go shopping for back-to-school items and other items they need. It’s a good thing…


If you don’t, or you are not visiting, you miss out on the goodies.

NOT ON MY WATCH! After all, this is the Internet for Pete’s sake!

Even if YOU don’t live here in the US, you can celebrate Labor Day and get 33% off, if you shop with me.

Here’s the “skinny” …

On Monday, September 7th US residents will be celebrating Labor Day. I am running a “sound sale” at SoundProFlo from today, September 3, 2009 until midnight Monday, September 7, 2009 the hourly rate for sound editing has been reduced by 33%.

If you are involved in speaking, coaching, event planning, or presentation in any way, and you have sound files that contain “um’s” “ah’s” and other “space fillers”, you can get rid of those extra sounds that have no place in public speaking. SoundProFlo offers you an editing service that does just that. In addition you can have “bumper music” added to the beginning and end of your file and you can also mix music in the background of your speech.

If on the other hand you have not yet recorded your file you can do so REMOTELY from the comfort of your home or office. I will edit your file and return it to you within 7 days. You can test drive the service at by recording a 2-minute file. I will edit your file and return your test recording within 24 hours.

Between now and Monday, September 7th you can have this service at a 33% discounted rate. For further details and to place your order, please visit .

Do it now! Don't miss this sale.