Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Quarter 2010 is history. Gone. Just like that! Did you blink? Can you believe it?! Wasn’t it only three months ago that you resolved that this year would be different; that the goals you set you would finally attain? Were you successful? Good for you!

For those of you who may not have been as successful, studies have shown that when you try to change a behavior, if you do it too fast or too soon it results in relapse. Have you found that to be true of you?

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution back in January and now find that it’s not working for you, or that for some reason you have abandoned it?

For many people, resolutions of any kind result in stress, a lack of accomplishment, overwhelm, fatigue and even depression. Yet they do this year after year, hoping that this year will be better.

What about you? Has your resolution moved you in the direction you intended to go? Are you 25% on your way to your goals?

If not, instead of a Resolution, I would like to introduce you to the Solution.

Resolutions tend to force you to assume a behavior that is unfamiliar. This results in the absence of the normal “flow” that occurs when you take incremental steps to achieve a certain desired outcome.

The Resolution Solution gives you a chance for a "do over", and this time, you will do it right.

I will help you to plan your actions and channel the results of what you will learn beyond this quarter and the rest of the year so that you achieve the desired outcome.

Here are some of the benefits to you:

* Reduced stress due to better stress management
* Increased energy
* Improved sense of well-being
* Elimination of "overwhelm" by removing "overkill"

You will be introduced to a system that progressively replaces old (bad) habits with those that move you in the direction you want to go.

You will learn how to take incremental steps that will yield results in as little as 7 days.

I hope you will join me on this free coaching call. Please encourage your friends, colleagues, family members - anyone who has been disappointed in not keeping up with their resolutions to join me as well.

Make sure to answer the three short questions on the Registration page. This will help me to tailor the call to your specific needs.

It’s a FREE call and it happens this coming Monday, April 5, 2010 at 8:00 Eastern time. You can participate by VoIP or by telephone. Please find details and register here:

"See" you then!