Friday, July 10, 2009


...whatever your "persuasion" :) Seriously speaking, I know where you can find some "funky" bumper music for your audios.

Listen Up! Coaches, Speakers, Trainers, Teleseminar facilitators; everyone who is some way is involved with info-marketing or presentations...

Have you ever had the unfortunate experience of giving what you thought was a great presentation only to discover when you listened to it afterward that it was permeated with "um's", "ah's" and other unnecessary and annoying word fillers that have no place in public speaking? When that happens, the message you want to send out to the world is now flawed. You don't have a second chance for a "do over". The cost of using a sound editing studio can be prohibitive.

What do you do?

You hire a sound editor who has the experience of also being an info-marketer.

Why is that important?

Because info-marketers know the frustration of being HUMAN. Sometimes there ARE mistakes and problems over which they have no control. There is background noise, (a ringing cellphone - I've even heard a flushing toilet! How's that for a distraction?) dead air, situations that do not result in a clean recording, that you can offer for resale as a CD or downloadable link.

When your audio editor is experienced in both sides of the business, he/she is in a position to provide you with better service.

  • You save money due to reduced editing time
  • You get a professional quality product without the expense of a state-of-the-art sound studio
  • You get PERSONAL ATTENTION - you're not just a "number"
  • You establish a relationship, not just an account because your editor truly understands your point of view
And how about that funky music?

There's bumper music too, some a little funky, and others more suited for a professional recording. To hear a sampling of this music and for information on how you could benefit from having your own professional info-products, , follow this link:

While you're there, play some funky music!

Professional Results at
Reasonable Prices

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